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The Alliance for Change

“We cannot change the past, but can only take action in the present and, thereby, shape the future.”



The vision of Christian Alliance is “One church, united in purpose, working together for justice and righteousness”.

Christian Alliance is a faith forum for strategic Christian engagement in public affairs. The Forum engages with like-minded organizations, groups, and individuals to strengthen the voice of the church in public debates and decisions that impact the character and direction of the nation.

It was established in 2021 as a not-for-profit foundation and is headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya. It is independent, impartial and not affiliated with any church, denomination or special interests. Our deep commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ defines the lens through which we explore ideas and solutions to the challenges of our rapidly changing world.

We believe in the value and importance of unity of the church, and this is reflected in our vision statement: “One church, united in purpose, working together for justice and righteousness”.



The church has a biblical mandate to defend those who are unable to speak for themselves. As citizens, Christians have a duty “to work through civil authority for the advancement of justice and human good. We measure public actions by biblical standards of justice and righteousness,


The church must set the standard for integrity in society and should not conform to the patters of this broken world. The governance of the institutions of the church must be devoid of any hints of corruption and mismanagement if the church is to truly be salt and light.


The church must lead in bringing reconciliation and healing at local, national and international levels. It must be the voice of reason in conflicts and stand up for those who are oppressed by the systems that govern society and inform leaders when they stray from God’s intended path.